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On this page, you will find a sample of some of the computer science courses that I have taken, including descriptions of some of the programming projects that I completed for each class.

CPSC 526: Building Distributed Systems

Spring 2022

A course that provided both practical experience and theoretical bases for building distributed systems. "Technical topics covered include properties such as consistency, availability, durability, isolation, and failure atomicity; as well as protocols such as RPC, consensus, consistent hashing, and distributed transactions."

Selected Projects

CPSC 434: Topics in Networked Systems

Fall 2021

A networking course which covered topics including HTTP, TCP, OSPF, BGP, Kubernetes, RAFT, and data center design, among others.

Selected Projects

LING 380: Topics in Computational Linguistics: Neural Network Models of Linguistic Structure

Fall 2021

A natural language processing (NLP) course. Fundamental concepts in modern deep learning were derived, and network architectures such as RNNs, LSTMs, and Transformers were presented. The use of neural networks in tackling linguistic questions was emphasized through discussion of published papers.

Selected Projects

CPSC 522: Design and Implementation of Operating Systems

Fall 2020

"This course covers the fundamentals of operating system design and implementation. Lectures present the central ideas and concepts (e.g., synchronization, deadlock, process management, storage management, file systems, security, protection, and networking) and explain how they are manifested in practical operating systems. Students will be working on a series of six programming assignments leading to a small but real operating system."

Selected Projects